Annemarie Mooren Productions focuses on high-quality youth drama series, informative series and documentaries for young and old.
Who is Annemarie Mooren
Annemarie Mooren studied socio-cultural work and followed various workshops and training courses, including with Karin Bloemen and Helmert Woudenberg.
After training assistant director / script & continuity, she worked as director assistant on (award winning) films and television series such as ‘Lepel’ and ‘Ik je van jou’. Due to her passion for travel, she was also often found abroad for film recordings.
After directing “Good Times, Bad Times” and “Hidden Stories”, she founded her own production company Annemarie Mooren Productions in 2007, with the aim of producing youth series.
The 13-part youth series “Puppy Patrol” became her first production as director and producer. In 2009 this series was awarded the Cinekid Audience Award.
Working on the set with children and animals seems to be the most challenging thing there is, but Annemarie loves working with children and animals.
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Annemarie Mooren Productions specializes in producing youth / family drama series starring children and animals. From purchasing Licenses and Formats to producing commercials and documentaries.
Annemarie Mooren Productions
Annemarie Mooren Productions was founded in 2007 and specializes in producing youth / family drama series starring children and animals.
Contact us
Questions or more information? Feel free to contact us.